READ.ME for v2.20 of Fast Thoughts (c) 1993-96 Intuitive Vision Software. v1.00 Released 9/01/93 v1.10 Released 10/11/93 Added Features: - New Display look - DesqView Aware - 3000+ Thoughts - FTUTIL.EXE (Utility to add more thoughts!) - Changed the Screen System so that it is a bit faster when Running. - Thoughts are now random instead of in order. - .KEY file system added v1.20 Released 11/09/93 - Fixed a bug that caused Fast Thoughts For Spitfire to create .ANS and .ASC files. v1.50 Released 1/16/94 - Complete re-write of Fast Thoughts! It is now MUCH faster! - THOUGHT.DA1 and THOUGHT.DA2 have been replaced with a new THOUGHTS.DAT. This new data file is NOT an ascii file as it had been. This has increased the speed of Fast Thoughts by over 100%! - Added FTCVT.EXE to convert your THOUGHT.DA2 file the the new THOUGHTS.DAT format. This is only needed if you are upgrading and do not want to loose any of your thoughts. ** Please read UPGRADE.TXT for more information ** - Unregistered users are now limited to 200 thoughts. In older versions it had been 100. - Due to the re-write of Fast Thoughts anyone who is registered must get a new .key file from JTsoft! v1.60 Released 4/10/94 - Changed all text files to show our new address. v2.00 Released 3/15/95 - Fast Thoughts now supports multiple BBS types. The following are support at this time: Nexus Spitfire Renegade PCboard Wild Cat! Telegade Remote Access - Added new screen types. Now you may select between 4 different colored screens. You may also setup Fast Thoughts to use random screens. - Added a config file to Fast Thoughts. This config file tells Fast Thoughts which BBS type you are using, the name of the display files to create and which screen type to use. You may edit your config file by using FTCFG.EXE. - Changed key file name from FTSF.KEY (Spitfire Version) and FTRG.KEY (Renegade Version) to FT.KEY. If you registered an older version of fast thoughts please call PCsource/2 BBS to download a new key. v2.10 Released 4/22/95 - Fast Thoughts is now copyright (c) 1993-95 Intuitive Vision Software. - Change the setup program (FTCFG.EXE) to make it easy for you to use. - Made a few display changes in FTUTIL.EXE, FT.EXE, and FTCFG.EXE. v2.20 Released 4/2/96 - Fixed a bug that would cause a run-time error if the display file directory did not exist. - Re-wrote the setup program. It has been renamed to SETUP.EXE. - Replaced the key file system. This means that registered users must contact us to obtain a new key file. - Renamed the EXE and Database files from FT.* to FASTT.*.